Top 4 low back stretches to do now!
Chloe from CPT Physiotherapy has put together this great video, to run through the top 4 stretches you can be doing now for your low back. These stretches work on large leg muscle groups that can create pressure and tension on the low back and hips. These muscle groups often become tight and ‘short’ from lack of movement, and sitting.
Sitting is the new smoking
Research is suggesting that the negative effects of sitting are as bad, if not worse, then smoking. When we wake up, we sit to eat breakfast. We drive our car to work, sitting. We often work at a desk or computer, while sitting. Then we drive home, eat dinner, and watch TV or read a book, all…… guessed it, sitting.
Stretch to release and lengthen
These exercises will help lengthen those tight muscles, and may help negate some of the negative effects described, from sitting. As with all exercises, make them a routine and a habit which will improve your long term results.
Meet Chloe – Physiotherapist at CPT
Chloe is our local Physio, and we use her all the time to help our clients with shoulder, elbow and knee rehab to name a few. Chloe understands the importance of a healthy spine, thats in good alignment, and her treatment can support your Chiropractic care.
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