Are Pain-killers Harmless? People often ask me this, "are pain-killers harmless"? A new study has come out associating anti-inflammatories with increased risk of cardiac arrest, see here. This follows a... read more →
Today is International Women's Day, with this years theme being Be Bold For Change! What a great statement of intent for women going forth into 2017. Many of the female Chiropractors I... read more →
Chiropractic is a non-invasive, effective and drug free approach to body balance and health and is the third largest healthcare profession in the world, behind medicine and dentistry . It... read more →
People often suffer with dizziness for years without realising their symptoms could be coming from their neck. Neck pain and dizziness, also known as ‘Cervicogenic dizziness or vertigo' was first described in... read more →