Headaches are a pain in the neck! Literally!
Are you sick of suffering with pressure behind the eyes, pain at the base of the skull, or a band of tension around your head? Do you find that medication is not getting to the cause of your discomfort? The above video will look at one of the most overlooked reasons people suffer with headaches, and what you can be doing to prevent them coming back!
Our top 4 tips will give you ways of managing your discomfort, and get you back on track to health. Headaches are extremely common, yet we do not fully appreciate how debilitating they can be. Recent research has shown that 80% of headaches could be coming from your neck. Worse still, your neck is commonly not even assessed when you consult a doctor for your pain.
Your neck is the most densely populated area of neuron’s in your body. When agitated, it can cause a wide variety of symptoms including headaches.
The above video will give some useful pointers to start implementing today, and provide some relief. We will run through the go to exercises and stretches, a common drink that can help prevent them coming on, and how to set up your bedroom and sleeping habits.
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