When your child is ready to make the transition from cot to bed, it is often a time of great achievement and excitement. There are lots of fun decisions to make, from selecting a new bed, to the bedding and bedroom decor. It is also generally around this time that we start to think about when is the right time for my child to use a pillow?
When should I buy my child their first pillow?
Children often get their first pillow when they move from cot to bed, roughly around 1.5-2 years old. Every child is different, and at different developmental stages, so it’s important to factor that in. It makes good sense to get their posture right from the beginning so that their developing body is well supported. What a great way to start their healthy sleep life.
Why can’t babies use pillows?
Babies spines are still developing, and they are still learning how to control their head and neck. This means they are at risk of suffocation, since they may not be able to move in the event that their breathing becomes obstructed. Therefore, pillows, blankets and any other material with the potential to cover the mouth and nostrils are not appropriate or deemed safe.
Which is the right pillow for my child?
There is no right or wrong, but we like Ollie Owl pillows. They are specifically designed for children, and it’s all they sell! They also have a great range of sizes for different body shapes and sizes as your child grows.
Why give them a pillow?
We are all aware of the importance of sleep in children. We know that disturbed sleep will result in behavioural issues including difficulties with ability to concentrate and focus in the classroom.
In addition, growth hormone is secreted largely during sleep time so disrupted sleep may have inadvertent consequences for a growth hormone secretion. Growth hormone is responsible for building strong and healthy bones and muscles. Any initiative which would assist with promoting quality sleep is to be recommended.
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