Headache Prevention
Lately we have been talking about how to prevent headaches on our blog, and the reason for this, is the shear number of people we see, who say they wished they had found us earlier! As mentioned, nearly 80% of headaches could be coming from a poor function neck.
What exactly is a poorly functioning neck?
Your neck is made up of 7 individual segments or bones that should be nicely stacked and aligned in a C-shape (when looking from the side). This shape acts as a shock absorber, allowing our neck to spring and bounce as we move. Loss of this C-shape can be seen by a forward head. Check your partner or friend from the side. Is their ear in front of their shoulder? If so, than their neck is far from ideal.
A well functioning neck should also move easily. Each joint should glide smoothly, without crunching and grinding, to allow for correct cervical spine movement. Our discs are also important, and should be fat (as opposed to thin), cushy and without any bulges or tears. Your joints are often assessed by X-ray, and we can also check your theoretical disc height. MRI is often used to assess the discs themselves.
Neck stretches for good movement
Watch the video above, or head to our youtube channel here, to follow our recommended daily routine for keeping your neck moving. A correctly functioning neck may prevent your headaches, a stiff and achy neck or even neck pain.
Need Some Help?
If you would like to be assessed for forward head posture, or need some help with your neck pain or headaches, then get in touch. We provide a detailed exam and assessment of your spine and neck, to help get to the cause of your discomfort, and explain to you the “why” and the “how”. We can see if Chiropractic is for you, and create a plan that aims to get you some relief and back on track towards health. Call us today on 08 7226 6862 or click here to book online.
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